Joint ESS-SHARE workshop & user meeting October 2023

We are pleased to announce that the "2nd Joint ESS & SHARE Workshop & User Meeting" successfully took place on October 10, 2023 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, Austria.
This event was co-organized by SHARE Austria and ESS Austria and aimed to discuss research results based on analyzes of ESS and/or SHARE data from a comparative and/or longitudinal perspective, as well as methodological contributions. The meeting provided the opportunity to explore possible synergies by combining data from these two European Research Infrastructures (ERICs) and to contribute to better dissemination and improved visibility of scientific knowledge based on ESS and SHARE data.
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 AlonsoPerez.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Belloc.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Bordone Weber.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Luy.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Mentus Zafirovic.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Montesinos.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 MuszynskaSpielauer.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 VPatkos.pdf
- ESS-SHARE UserConf 2023 Wagner.pdf